You are SICK of always chasing the Japanese! What God decided that all toilet innovation must come from the East? Everyone in the world needs toilets, but only one people is willing to sink the bucks into the research to make those toilets the strangest and best that they can be.
"People don't like a lotta doodads crawling all over em when they take a poo," your boss tells you.
"People lack imagination," you tell him right back.
You're betting the first time an idea of an automated car wash was put on the table it drew a whole lotta gasps. And look at the automated car wash now! Well your toilet design has all of the same elements of the automated car wash and then some. The jiggly rags, the squeegee walls, the multiple high-pressure jets of soapy water. If someone in this country would just take a chance on you, people would finally get the clean they deserve.
Today you've got another lunch meeting with yet another toilet R&D veep at a competing company. If your boss ever finds out you'll be out on your ass. But you have to get your vision out to the people. There are a lot of hurtles, one big one especially.
"Your design has a straight razor?" is the question you always get midway through the presentation.
"Multiple straight razors," is the answer you always give, which never helps to put anyone at ease. "Grooming down there is more popular than ever."
People often accuse you of being juvenile for referring to human genitalia as "down there," but just because you happen to design innovative toilets you don't think that should preclude you from being a gentleman.
Happy You Are An American Designer Of Toilets Day!