Today you should be a beautiful prostitute who charges thousands of dollars per hour. After one of your regular clients, a powerful world leader, has really unsettling sex with you (he likes to pretend that you and he are robins), he'll start telling you government secrets (launch codes, secret medical experiements, who's queer in congress). Later tonight, the world leader will be assassinated and you'll know that you're next. It will be a harrowing and hair-raising adventure as you escape international assassins and try to turn the tables on your assailants. Luckily, after years as a whore you are very adept at using sex as a weapon, and you'll fell many an enemy using nothing more than a welcome smile and a pretty dress (and knives). When they show you that they've found the daughter you abandoned years ago, you won't be scared of them anymore because the joy at seeing your little girl again will be so great that you won't have room in your heart for any other emotions. You'll kill everyone in the building and save your daughter because motherhood conquers all.
Happy Be The Whore Who Knows Too Much Day!