Teach Your Son A Trick Day!
Hold the lighter up in front of the hairspray nozzle. Ignite the lighter, then press down on the nozzle to send the spray to the flame. Let the firestream blow for just a few seconds.
Say, "And that's how you make a Hairspray Fireball. Now you try it."
Your son's hands are too small to hold the hairspray can and press the nozzle in one hand, so let him just hold the can and ignite the lighter and you can press down on the nozzle for him.
"Remember," say, "If you let the firestream blow for too long, the flame could crawl up the stream into your hairspray can and blow it up in your hand like a big tin bomb."
Your son will say, "Sometimes I really wish Mommy were still around."
Say, "I don't."
Happy Teach Your Son A Trick Day!