Tuesday, June 24, 2003

Raid On The Go-Kart Race Day!

Don't go out there, Streak. I got a bad feeling about today.

But I gotta race, honey.

I already lost my Daddy to that state prison. I don't wanna lose you too.

You don't understand. Go-Karting isn't just some Saturday afternoon suburban funtime anymore. Latinos participate now. This is about honor.

Is Go-Karting more important to you than our love?


I understand. I won't hold you back from your destiny. But at the first sign of the police, you get on your Go-Kart and you--

I don't think we should see each other anymore. I can't be with someone who thinks she can tell me what to do because she gets a fucking "bad feeling." Get out.

You're right. I'll pack my things after breakfast.

Do it now.


Happy Raid On The Go-Kart Race Day!